
Thursday, May 23, 2019

Reading Week 4 Term 2

Hello and Welcome back to my blog 
For this weeks blog i'm going to talk to you about our reading workshops for this week, For this week I have been going to Reading workshop our topic was predictions. Here is my task. 
 For our task we had to write down our predictions about the story by just look at it, We couldn't read the bit that we were trying to predict we had to look and write down, The first box was about the first page and then the second one is of the second page and then the last one was of any of the page, The story that we were reading was Mata I Pusi 
Here's a picture of the front page 
For this we have read the hole book and this only the first page we had to make predictions of just by looking a the pictures, My first predictions was that this is a Samoan family because of the flower in the mothers hair and the family photos on the side, I really in joyed this book because I got to make a lot of predictions, What is a predictions you've made before?  

Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Hello And welcome back to my Blog 
For the last couple of weeks our hub has been going to technology, Technology is when we get to go to tec (Short for Technology) and we get to go to class's and each term we rotate around to every class so we can get an opportunity to try everything, We each have groups and we stay in them every time we go to tec we go every Monday. For tec only the year 7 and 8's go to tec, there are year 7 and year 8 class's so the year 7 and 8's aren't in the same groups the year 7 are split in groups and the year 8's are split to.

For our class's there are Wood-works, Cooking, Plastics and Fabric my group have already been to Wood-works and we are right know in cooking, We went to tec today and for cooking we made Chicken salad Roll we cooked chicken and we had a hot dog bun and put salad in it and then put the chicken on top, It was so good I'm so excited for our next session but I don't know what we would be making, I love going to tec it is so fun I really enjoy going. Next after cooking we go to plastics. 

Before cooking we did wood-work, For wood-work we did papa hou witch Is a box, We made a little box witch was our practise one and then we made the real thing, We had to draw what we would want it to look like and then we had to write down how big and long we wanted it to be. 

Fro cooking we have made Raps, Pizza tower and Hot chicken salad roll, for our first this we did was raps, For raps we just put salad in a rap base, Then we made Pizza tower For that we had a hamburger bun and we put cheese and we made our own pizza sauce and then got to put either pineapple or baby Spanish or we could just put both of then on, And after that we got to make Hot chicken salad roll For that we cooked chicken and we got given a hot dog bun then we got to put salad in it and then we put the chicken on top. 

Have you ever gone to technology before?   

Monday, May 13, 2019

Speech 2019

Hello and Welcome back to my blog 
Today I'm going to be talking about speech's, Now don't get me wrong I love writing my speech's and learning more about my speech topic's but I HATE SPEAKING IN FRONT OF PEOPLE  I get so scared, Me legs start shacking and I don't know what to say even tho we have cards we write our speech on right in front of us. I've always been scared of doing things in front of people ALWAYS. But I'm not here to talk about that I"m to tell you more about my speech, Over the last couple of weeks my hub has been taking workshops for Reading, Maths and Writing, For writing we have been talking about speech's before we write our we have a planning template.

For our speech topic we have to do it on our P.B.L topic How can we speak up to discrimination, My topic for my speech is about all the kinds of discrimination and how we can stop it.
Here is my intro for my speech

Imagine if you were walking down the road and then a group of people came up to you and say that you aren’t good at this and you aren’t good at that and they are saying this just because of you colour, your age, your gender, Has this ever happened to you, Have you seen someone get treated like this, If it has did you choose to speak up or did you just stand there and listen to what they are saying about you or others. It’s time to speak up and make a stop to discrimination. This is what i’m going to be talking you about today, I’m going to tell you why discrimination should STOP NOW!!!!.

Have you ever had to do a speech before?
If you have what was your's about?

Thursday, May 9, 2019

My Goals for term 2

Welcome back to my blog 
For this term we have to set our self some goals
My goals
Goal 1 To use my time wisely
Goal 2 To not talk on the mat
Goal 3 To use my spare time if I need to
Goal 4 To try my hardest in all my work and everything  that I have been given to do
I have a set these goals because I want to work very hard and try and accomplish them because some I want to prove that I am capable of doing and to make shore that I can do it and think that I can't

Do you have any goals if you do what are they? 

Cross Country

Welcome back to my blog 
Last week was our first week back for term 2, This is our 2nd week and last week we had to do cross country, Now let me tel you something I love sports, Athletics, Sprinting and running around but I hate long distends and cross country. I brag 2 drink bottles to school that day because when I run cross country I get so puffed and I always drink lots of water before I run and then I only have a little bit after, We walked down to the park down the road from school and we had to buddy up with the year 1 and 2's.

Once we got there the year 8 boy's ran first and then the year 8 girls wile they were running and we were waiting we had to sit down and eat our food, Then It was our tern we stood up and we had to do stretch's and then we lined up to start my hart raced as the teachers counted down and then "GO" said the teachers all of the girls ran, We had to do 3 laps and it was so hard I could barely breath after I ran past the finish line. It was so hard just to do 2 laps but I finished and I'm so glad that we don't have to do it again till next year

Does your school do cross county if so do you like it?

Discrimination Art

                     Hello and Welcome back to my blog 
This term we have been introduced to Discrimination witch is apart of our PBL driving question. Our PBL driving question is how " How can we speak up to Discrimination for this term we will be learning more about discrimination and how we can stand up to it. One of our tasks for discrimination is art, For our art we had to take or draw ourselves and edit it. We had to also include a slogan/logo and a Story/Quote/ poem, before we started our actual art we had to do a practice in our lined books. 

This is what we had to do for out art
-Slogan mine is "discrimination is not the answer but standing up is"
-Logo heart with half coloured in and the other half of the heart not coloured 
-Picture of me that I edited 

For my logo I thought I could send a message about this topic of the term but I thought I would just use one of the discrimination's and I chose racism I put one half coloured in and the other half not, I wonted to basically say that it does't matter about what colour we are or how old we are or if we are a male or female it really doesn't matter. We all love each other and it doesn't matter if we look different. 

Here is my photo of my art:

Have you ever learnt about discrimination?