
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Writing Week 5

Hello and welcome back to my blog, 

This week for writing we had no goal. For our create we had to keep working on out speech. For the last couple of weeks we've been working on our speeches. For this week we had to work on adding persuasive writing. We had to add, salution, change, call to action, Aims, Act together and big finish.

Here is a bit of my speech.

Hope you enjoyed this blog.
Do you do speeches at you school? If so what about?

Maths Week 5

Hello and welcome back to my blog, 

For this blog I will be talking to you about Maths. For our goal this week was, Use multiplication and division strategies to compare fraction sizes with whole numbers.

For our create task this week we had to do some problem solving, we got put into buddies and had to complete the questions together. After answering all the questions we had to create a DLO answering this question. How can I show a growth mindset in Maths? For our create task we had a choice to create the DLO by ourselves or do it with our Maths buddies.

I did it with my create buddie. Here it is.

Hope you enjoyed this blog.
How could you show a growth mindset in Maths?

Wednesday, August 12, 2020


Hello and welcome back to my blog, 

For this blog I'm going to be talking to you about cybersmart. For cybersmart we have been learning about what a quality blog post and comment is. We have been learning this so we know the difference between a good and bad blog post and comment. We need to know this so when we post a blog or comment we know what's right to say and what's wrong. For our task we had to make a copy of a doc and complet what was on it. We had to do this task in pairs. My pair was Jorja. We had to read all the different comments that was on the doc than we needed to put a thumbs up or down next to the comment and than we had to say why we put it thumbs up or down there. 

Here is what we did, 

Hope you enjoyed this blog, 
Do you do cybersmart? if so do you like it?

Writing Week 4

 Hello and welcome back to my blog, 

For this week's writing our goal was toCreate content that is concise and relevant to the curriculum task Selects words and phrases to enhance meaning and/or mood. For our task this week we had to continue on with working on our speeches. For the last 2 weeks we've been working/planning on our speeches.

Here is my paragraph that I worked on.

Hope you enjoyed this blog, 
Do you do speaches at your school?

Maths Week 4

 Hello and welcome back to my blog, 

For this week for maths our goal was too, Solve problems with fractions, decimals, proportions and ratios using a broad range of strategies (Addition & Subtraction PV Decimal) & (Express remainders as fractions, decimal or whole numbers) Knowledge: (Convert decimals, fractions & %s).

For our create task we had to work on Problem Solving. We had to buddy up in pairs. For the problem solving we had to complete 3 questions we had work out. With our buddy we had to write the same things in each of our books. In our workshop we had to discuss What is a percentage? and Where, outside of a maths classroom /school might you see percentages (%’s)?. We had to discuss and learn what and how we could answer.

Hope you enjoyed this blog, 

Have you been doing Maths?



Reading Week 4

 Hello and welcome back to my blog, 

For this week for reading we our goal was Use questions to challenge the text, question the author, establish the authenticity of the text and state opinions. Think while reading, pick up new information, and come up with new ideas and new thinking.

For our create task we had to create a screencastify. We had to choose a book to read about than answer some questions about the book. This task is very similar to our last weeks reading task. For our task we had to buddy up or be in a group to create the screencastify.
Here is my video.

Hope that you enjoyed this blog. 
Have you ever done a reading task like this?

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Writing week 3

Hello and welcome back to my blog, 

For this weeks blog I"m going to talk to you about what I've been doing for writing this week. 
Out goal this week was: Understand the purposes for writing and how to achieve those purposes

Select and explore significant ideas, developing main points with specific detail. For our create task this week we had to pick a goal that was out of 4 different goals. For each different goal we had to pick one to write about. The four goals were, 1.No Poverty, 2.Zero Hunger, 3.Good health and well being and last but not least, 4. Quality Education. Once we picked a goal we had to find information about the subject we picked than we had to write down facts that we found out about. We had to include rhetorical questions in our writing. Rhetorical questions are when you asking a question but not expecting a answer.

Here is my writing.

Hope you enjoyed this blog,
How you ever used a rhetorical question in your writing before?

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Reading Week 3

Hello and welcome back to my blog, 

For this blog I'll be talking to you about my reading workshop this week. Our goal for this week is, Make connections between texts and own life experiences, using more sophisticated texts. Think while reading, pick up new information, and come up with new ideas and new thinking. For our create task this week we had to read a book about Robots. In the book we learnt about what people are planning to do with our world in the future with Robots. After reading about Robots we had to create a screencastify and a script. We had to talk about what we thought about the robots and what we learnt about from the book. We also had to answer questions about what we thought. We had to work in groups to record.
Here is our video.

Hope you enjoyed this blog, 
What do you think about Robots in the future?

Maths Week 2

Hello and welcome back to my blog, 

For this weeks blog I'll be talking to about Maths for this week. For this week for Maths we didn't do any workshops. Instead of doing workshops we did, Cantamath. Cantamaths is a maths race. You have a team and you have one runner. Everyone is in a team and we all have to sit in a circle. We all start off with one first question. After figuring out the question your runner in your team has to run around everyone to the ground to were the teachers are. The teachers hold the questions and have to answers to the questions. If you get it wrong you have to run back to where your team is sitting and try to figure it out again. If you get it right you get given another question and run back to figure it out. You do this until you answer as many question you can before we have to stop. If your stuck on one question you can skip the question and move on to the next one. After doing this race our hub year 7/8 have entered a competition. The competition is optional for us to enter of not. The competition is Cantamath. This is way different than the race. There are different categories that you can enter in. You have to make something that involves in the categories. Than after you make it you send it off to a competition. At the competition there will judges that will judge our creations and pick a 1st place 2nd place and 3rd place. over the years the year 7/8 we have placed a couple of times. The theme for this year is Maths in Entertainment. The categories that we can enter in is, 2021 Publicity Motif, Games & Puzzles, Static Mathematical Models, Mathematical Posters, Dynamic Mathematical Models, Maths Photography. 
Hope that you enjoyed this blog,
Have you ever Competed in Catamath?