
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Breakout EDU

Welcome back to my blog 
This week we got to do breakout EDU, Breakout EDU is like an escape room but except your not try to escape you trying to open these boxes witch have stuff in them to try and get a record for the fastest time to get all the clues, For this we went in groups, the groups we went in are our quiz groups, Our quiz groups are group that we got put into and we have turns making quizzes and present them to the hub and the group after all the groups have done there quiz to the hub there will be a winning group for how many points from the quizzes that we do from other group. For breakout EDU we had to group up in too teams and team up to try and get the fastest time to work together to open all the locks open before the time runs out, When me and my group and another group did it we got the highest time but then the team after us.

For the theme it was about the movie Wonder if you haven't seen Wonder before it is about a boy who is born differently then others he had lots of surgery to help him look normal but he still looked different, His mother home schooled him and then she divided to put him into a school, When he got to the school he met with the principle he got some kids from the school to show him around  when they were showing him around one of he kids were mean and asked "May I ask whats with your face" The others were mad and were like " You can't say that" and " That's mean just forget he said that" But one of the people who showed him around became one of his best friends i'm not going to spoil more of it but that's just a little bit about the movie, Last years Break out EDU the theme was star wars, I had so much fun working as a team and getting to work with other I love doing Break out EDU

Have you ever done Break out EDU if you have comment down below
Bye, Bye For now

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