
Monday, July 29, 2019

Fitness Circuit

Hello and welcome back to my blog 
In this blog i am going to tell you about out fitness circuit. For the fitness Circuits we had to come up with ideas for what to do for our fitness that we do fitness, We had to make a fitness circuit with our PBL buddies my PBL buddies is Petra here is our fitness circuit

For this we added all kinds of fitness activity's, The teachers will decide witch top circuits are the best and then we will have to do that circuit when we do Fitness

Do you do Fitness Circuits
Hope you enjoyed this blog and like always bye, bye for now

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

PBL Term 3

Hello, welcome back to my blog 
Hello and welcome back this is my first blog post for term 3. For term 3 our PBL driving questions  is, What will the future ask of us, I didn't really know what to think about this topic at first. By this we have talked about Robots, Have you ever thought about Robots taking over our world in the future. We watched a video from Jimmy Fallon, He had a guess robot called Sophia, Sophia can speck English and also can sing Sophia did a singing duet with Jimmy Fallon, Shes also had a full on confiscation with Jimmy. Sophia also has a child who can also speak English.  But before we watched this video we did a brain storm of what was the top 5 thing that are haunting in the world right now. We got put into a group of two girls and two boys

Here are somethings we brain stormed:
-Over populating 
-Climate change 

We had many more ideas, We have also been thinks/talking about if Robots can/could take over our world in the future. By that I mean robots could actually take over our jobs. There are already robots working for jobs around the world. We brain stormed some ideas about what we have compared to 
Robots. I am very excited to learn more about our PBL 

Hope you enjoyed my blog 
Bye Bye for now!

Friday, July 5, 2019


Hello and welcome back to my Blog 

So in my last blog I did a blog about our PBL and that we went live and got the choice to do a ted talk, Drama, Podcast and poetry slam. We did two performances for our live and we did one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I chose Poetry slam I did it with one of my friends Paige. After a couple of weeks we finally finished our script and all we had to do was practise.
 Here is my video My video 

After all I think we did great, We put so much hard work into what we performed, I think we could of put more information into our script and I also think we had to speak a little bit louder. But after all the work we went though payed off, I really enjoyed working on this project and hope that we get to do it again. I really enjoy working with other people because I really get to know more about them and It's find it so much fun. I love when we get all of these cool thing to do and we only get to do these thing because of our teachers they give us these cool things to do and I'm so grateful because if we didn't have them we probably wouldn't get to do all of these cool thing we got to do these 2 terms but these more to come and i am so excited. But this PBL live was probably one of my favourite things that we have done for PBL.

Have you ever been live before?
Well like always Bye Bye for now!

Monday, July 1, 2019

Live for a day

Hello and Welcome back to my Blog
Today I will be talking about our PBL, This term our PBL question is (How can we speak up to Discrimination) For this term we are going live we got four choice's to do live the choice's were a Ted talk, Poetry Slam, Podcast and a Drama. For the live we got to partner up and choose one topic. I am doing a Poetry Slam with Paige, We are going live on Wednesday, last week we made invitations and sent them to our Parents, Our topic for our Poetry Slam is racism and how we can stop it from going on. We have all put so much work into all of our work for this and now the day is almost here. For the last two days we will be doing a full run though of the live day. We go though the whole program and our whole script of ours.

Here is my invitation:

Have you ever done a day live?
Hope you enjoyed this blog
And like always Bye, Bye for now!

Diana Issac

Hello and Welcome back to my Blog 
Today's Blog I am going to be talking about our trips we have taken to Dianna Issac. For the last few weeks we have been taking trips down to Dianna Issac, We would go down in groups we got to choose what we would like to do there we got the choice from Baking, Bingo and Board games, Coding, Art and Balloon sports. I choose Bingo and Board games It was very fun to get to go and  met new people. The people there were so nice, It was so fun.

We played Bingo and who ever got a Bingo got a chocolate bar, Some people got to just get to sit down and get to talk to the people there and we got to get to find out what they have done in their lives and find out there history. After all of us in the group of us kids as we walked out we said good bye we got to have our own chocolate bar. It was so fun and I can't wait to go back and see all of the people there again, They were so nice and kind I had so much fun can't wait to go back.

Have you ever been on a school trip like this?
Hope you enjoyed this blog, Hope to see you next time!
And like always Bye, Bye for now!


Hello and welcome back to my blog
Today I will be talking about our Art that we have been doing for the last week, What we had to do was a self portrait, What we had to do was get a photo of our self's and then we had to trace around our face and our Nose, Mouth, Eyes and Ears
Here is mine:
We did this art on google drawing. I'm not going to say that mine is the best but I think that I tried my best. 

Have you ever done a peace of art like this? 
Do you like art? 
Hope you enjoyed this blog, Hope to see you next time!
And like always Bye, Bye for now!